Quick and Dirty!

I will be leading a Radical Enameling workshop sponsored by the Center for Enamel Arts July 5-7 at the Crucible in Oakland, California. Join me as we make torch-fired kilns from trash cans and whip up some vessels with copper foil and wire. These processes promise fast and furious fun for those willing to embrace serendipity.

New Piece Done!

This broach is inspired by a the cover from a wastewater access point that I passed on the road every day in Vienna on my way to the museums. The main element is made of 30 gauge fine silver so it is a lot lighter than it looks. It also required much research and development to get the die forming to turn out the way I wanted it. This will be in my show with Harlan Butt at the Georgetown Art Center in August. Thanks is due to Paul Cauthen and Tammy Nguyen who were student apprentices and had some part in its making.

Metal Ink-Orporated: a collaboration between metalsmiths and printmakers

Leah Hardy at the University of Wyoming organized a collaborative exchange between metalsmiths and printmakers. Each would etch something into a 6 x 12" piece of sheet copper and then swap and do something with whatever they got. I just got my finished object out the door in time for the show in Laramie. Images of the work in progress and finished piece are below. If you want all the gory details on my thought processes, you can download the statement pdf here. This project was a great opportunity to break away from my usual mode of making but trying to preserve the initial texture provided was frustrating at times. If not for the swap, this is not how I would have gone about producing such a piece. I was paired with Sarah Smelser who makes loveley, prints. The plate I sent to her was packed with altered images of vents (of course).